Intuitive Energy Healing
Sessions may include cleansing with herbs, medicinal songs, reiki and plant baths depending on one’s intention. These sessions are infused and guided by the sacred Noya Rao tree, my greatest teacher, and are intuitive in nature.
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Ceremonial Offerings
Sacred ritual created together in connection and prayer. For milestones, transformations, a letting go, a calling in. Instills hope, faith, and connection with the divine.
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Is this for you?
My work is highly spiritual in its nature and rooted in compassion and connection with the divine - the divine in you, the divine in me and the divine all around us!
Ultimately the intention is to help you live a life of more harmony, ease, connection and joy.
These sessions might support your healing journey if you are navigating:
Depression | Anxiety | Grief | Panic Attacks | Fear | PTSD | Shock I Nightmares I Intrusive Thoughts I Feeling Stuck I
Karmic Relationships I Plant Medicine Integration
Disconnection from spirit, your highest self I Massive transformation in your life
Or if you just have that deep feeling, that inner knowing your soul is calling you to something else and you just need a little mirroring to help step into yourself, your power and your inner wisdom